Archive for February, 2010

The Secret World

I’m totally excited by Funcom’s next MMO, The Secret World (TSW). For those who don’t know the details of that future game: it’s a consistent universe rooted into modern days fantasy and based on conspiracy theories. Think of X-Files or Call of Cthulhu and you get the general idea behind that game.

What seems innovative in that game, besides its unique setting, is that there will be no levels or class. The designers didn’t reveal yet what it will look like, but we can expect a point-buy skill system or something in the kind of Oblivion, in which more your character uses a skill, more he/she is trained in it.

The only thing I’m not sure to like yet is their trailer on one of the game’s location, Kingsmouth. It’s a town totally based on H.P. Lovecraft’s universe in a way that is almost stealing. Don’t get me wrong here. I adore Call of Cthulhu universe and appreciate references to it. But that much? I’m not sure.

Let me explain: the town’s name is a fusion of two other towns’ names famous in Lovecraft’s novels (Kingsport and Insmouth). In the video, we can clearly see a street sign with “Lovecraft Lane” and “Arkham Ave” on it. Arkham is another city famous in Lovecraft’s novels. In addition, Funcom made a fake web site about Kingsmouth, in the exact same way some Lovecraft’s fans made one for Arkham. Finally, there is a reference of a strange fog, town people going crazy (zombies?) and things coming from the sea. All those elements are recurring themes in Lovecraft universe.

Probably Funcom will make the best of it. Maybe they just put all those things in the trailer to hook Lovecraft’s fans. I just hope they will find their own original twist to it, because Lovecraft and zombies are nothing new in the video games industry.

I will certainly apply for the Beta Test, though. What is more awesome about this game is that Funcom’s new Montreal studio (where I’m actually living) will work on it. To work on project like that would be too good to be true, but it seems like a possibility to me! I will certainly try my best to be recruited by Funcom.

To get more details about the game, check this interview with Ragnar Tornquist, creative director on TSW. He says at the end of the article that he’s a big fan of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman comics. I’m happy we share something like this and it gives me a lot of hope that I will love his game!<